Learn about Our Services.

What even is Managed IT Services? Imagine it like an External IT Department.

"Managed Services" have gained popularity as more businesses choose to outsource their IT needs, rather than building an internal IT department. This strategic decision offers numerous benefits:

1. Cost-Efficiency: Partnering with a Managed Services Provider (MSP) like us can save you money compared to hiring even a single full-time IT employee. Our scalable solutions ensure you only pay for the services you need, allowing for better control over your IT budget. 2. Expertise: Finding and hiring competent IT professionals can be challenging. With our team of certified experts, you gain access to a wide range of skills and knowledge, ensuring your technology needs are met with precision and efficiency. 3. Focus: Outsourcing your IT allows your team to concentrate on core business activities, driving growth and innovation. We'll handle the technology, so you can focus on what you do best.

In summary, partnering with an MSP like us is like finding the missing puzzle piece that enhances your company's operational effectiveness. Let us help you navigate the ever-evolving world of technology and unlock your business's full potential.

Sounds great! But what does it cost?

At Harris Family Computer Services LLC, we understand that every business is unique, and so are its IT needs. That's why we offer custom solutions designed to meet the specific requirements of each of our clients. Our pricing structure reflects this commitment to customization, with monthly fees typically ranging from $75 to $150 per person covered. Since we're talking custom solutions, let's get into how we package our services.

How do we package our IT services?

As mentioned, we package our services based on the needs of our client. Some services are absolutely necessary, and some are less important to some. To give an idea of what we can do for you, check out the service break down below.

Here's a simple break down of our services:

Service Name Description
Remote Monitoring and Management Comprehensive IT support with proactive monitoring and issue resolution.
Cloud Services Assistance with cloud migration, storage solutions, and infrastructure management.
Cybersecurity Protection of data and systems through risk assessments, security monitoring, and incident response.
Network Management Design, implementation, and management of secure and efficient networks.
Backup and Disaster Recovery Data backup and recovery plans, and services to protect and restore critical data.
IT Consulting and Strategy Strategic IT planning to align technology investments with business goals.
End-User Support Timely assistance for IT-related issues through help desk and support services.
Compliance and Regulatory Services Navigation of complex compliance requirements and ensuring IT infrastructure compliance.
Vendor Management Streamlining of IT vendor relationships, contract negotiation, and license management.
Hardware and Software Procurement Informed decisions on hardware and software purchases to meet business needs.